About Us

“The Astur Foundation is a non-governmental, non-profit organization that, respecting the wish of its founder, aspires to contribute to the progress of Uruguayan society in recognition of what it has generously received from it”

Enrique V. Iglesias


Graciela Catañy


Elvira Domínguez

Miembro de Consejo

Adolfo Garcé

Miembro de Consejo

Guillermo Iglesias

Miembro de Consejo

Héctor E. Luisi

Miembro de Consejo

Magalí Mauad

Miembro del Consejo

Gunther Rotzinger

Miembro de Consejo

Mario Spangenberg

Miembro del Consejo

Juan José Taccone

Miembro de Consejo

Juan José Taccone


José César Iglesias


Bettina Bulgheroni


Juan José Calvo


Isabelle Chaquiriand


Manuel Costa


Orlando Dovat


Nicolás Jodal


Andrés Lalanne


Fernando Rachetti


Gabriel Rozman


Ricardo Zerbino


José María Puppo

Chief Executive Officer

Virginia González

General Cordinator for the Elderly

Cecilia Gari

General Secretary

Rosana Sparano


Luisina Porto


Bernardo Arago


Mercedes Inciarte

Executive Advisor Astur Magazine

Emilia Mederos

General Assistant

Ricardo Alberti

Consultor Senior

Hernán Caamaño

Consultor Internacional

Rosario Collazo

Senior Executive Advisor

Centro de humanización de la Salud


César Bentancor

Asistente de Coordinación - Proyecto BID CREA

Romina Farolini

Asistente de Coordinación - Proyecto BID CREA

María Fernández

Center Coordinator - Project IDB CREA

Marta Serena

Center Coordinator - Project IDB CREA

Paula Morales

Consultant - Project IDB CREA

Patricia Álvarez

Consultant - Project IDB CREA

José Fernández

Consultant - Project IDB CREA



Fundación Matia

Consultant - Project IDB Residences

Valentina Sefferián

Consultant - Project IDB Residences

Alejandro López

Consultant - Project IDB Residences

Ana María Tello

Consultant - Project IDB Residences

The Foundation


We aspire to consolidate a humane, sustainable and referent organization in the essential issues for which it was constituted, supporting agreed national policies and maintaining the founding values that inspired its creation.


Our mission is to create an environment of reflection to promote and develop projects and programs that contribute to improve the social, economic, cultural and political aspects of our country, with special emphasis on the most vulnerable sectors. Promote academic excellence in their areas of expertise, as well as, establish awards to individuals or organizations that have made relevant contributions to society.

Harmony and consensus

Work respecting the diversity of opinions.

Commitment and respect

Especially value personal effort and social responsibility.


Intellectual honesty, objectivity, impartiality, solidarity.


Comprehensive approach to the human being, orientation to the person, empathy and humane treatment.


We thank all the entities that collaborate in one way or another with our actions and projects:

International and regional organizations: AECID, ALADI, Inter-American Development Bank, World Bank, CAF-Development Bank, ECLAC, Embassies and Diplomatic Representations in Uruguay, Government of Japan, Government of the PR China, IDRC-CRDI Canada, INTAL, MERCOSUR, OECD, OEI, IOM, OISS, UN, UNDP, European Union.

Public, national and departmental organizations: AGESIC, ANEP, ANII, AUCI, BCU, BPS, CND, Congress of Intendants, INEEd, INEFOP, INIA, INMAYORES, Institut Pasteur, Intendances and Municipalities of the whole country, JUNAD, MEC, MEF, MIDES, MINTUR, MSP, MRREE, MTSS, OPP, SECAN.

Educational entities and civil society organizations: Academia de Economía, ACDE, ACJ, ADM, Mercantile Chamber of Products of the Country, bilateral Chambers of Commerce of China, United States, Spain, Great Britain and Switzerland, CIT PAX, CLAEH, Colegio of Accountants, Economists and Administrators of Uruguay, Endeavor, Rural Federation of Uruguay, A Ganar Foundation, Matía Foundation, Porsaleu Foundation, Isalud, RedSur, International Rotary, SMU, Uruguayan Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics, University of the Republic, Catholic University of Uruguay , CLAEH University, University of Montevideo, ORT University, Sussex-London University, UTEC, Xeniors, and the associations as well as the working groups of each locality where we develop our projects.

Experts, national and international: in the different matters that we address, to the collaborators who fully support our work in an honorary way, to all those who have invited us to be part of their events and initiatives, and to the communicators and media that collaborate in make it possible for our message and our task to reach the whole country.

Astur Foundation maintains a permanent strategic alliance in Uruguay with the Camilos Religious Health Humanization Center (Madrid, Spain), through its advice and technical support.